Thursday, April 23, 2009

Beaver's Bend State Park 4-16-09 - 4-19-09

My mom (Linda) and I spent 4 days in the Beaver's Bend area. These were all seen in Beaver's Bend State Park.

Started the time with a pair of Hooded Mergansers, one Orchard Oriole and tons of Buffleheads. Had a nice showing of Indigo's at the Nature Center in Beaver's Bend on Friday morning. Ended Sunday morning getting good views of some good birds before the drive home: Louisiana Waterthrush, Summer Tanager, and Red-eyed Vireo. As we were leaving the lodge we had 1 Indigo make a final appearance which was a great way to end it.

Listed in order of appearance except for the Orchard Oriole as I forgot to add him to the original list.

1. Barn Swallows
2. Gold Finches
3. Eastern Kingbirds
4. Chipping Sparrows - pic
5. American Crows
6. Eastern Phoebes - pic
7. Purple Finches
8. Turkey Vultures
9. Carolina Wrens
10. Tufted Titmice
11. White-breasted Nuthatches
12. Hooded Mergansers - pic
13. Spotted Sandpiper
14. Yellow-throated Warblers (life for Linda)
15. Blue-gray Gnatcatchers
16. Blue Jays
17. Great Blue Herons
18. Buffleheads
19. Blue-winged Teals
20. Northern Parulas
21. Belted Kingfishers
22. Great Egrets
23. Double-crested Cormorants
24. Northern Cardinals
25. House Sparrows
26. American Kestrel
27. Ospreys (1 with a fish)
28. Wood Ducks
29. Indigo Buntings
30. Common Grackles
31. Sharp-shinned Hawk
32. Mourning Doves
33. Northern Rough-winged Swallows
34. Yellow-rumped Warblers
35. White-eyed Vireos - pic
36. Pileated Woodpecker - pic
37. Red-bellied Woodpecker
38. Ruby-crowned Kinglets
39. Brown Thrasher
40. Tree Swallows - pic
41. Carolina Chickadees
42. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds - pic
43. Red-shouldered Hawk
44. Common Goldeneye
45. Killdeer
46. Blue Grosbeak - pic
47. Cliff Swallows
48. Green Heron
49. Louisiana Waterthrush
50. Summer Tanager
51. Red-eyed Vireo
52. Eastern Bluebird
53. Orchard Oriole

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